Our mission is to find, map, photograph and catalogue every stinkpipe in the Greater London area, though out of London is welcome too. Please send your stinkpipe pics here or to stinkpipes@gmail.com Twitter: @stinkpipes Holder of 6Music's Geek of the Week accolade, 1st October 2011

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Concrete Stinkpipe

As a break from the usual iron-work we see on these pages, here's a bit of an oddity. Funnily enough, it's very close to where I currently reside, and I see a couple of times every day, but it's taken me three years to get around to photographing it. I've not seen one like this anywhere else, and can't imagine why a concrete version would ever be built. But here it is in all it's glory, on New Road, just off the A209 in Welling.

Oh, and thanks for the comments received. I usually deal with them / absorb / digest / respond, etc at the weekend. So don't think I'm ignoring you. All contributions are very gratefully received.

1 comment:

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