Our mission is to find, map, photograph and catalogue every stinkpipe in the Greater London area, though out of London is welcome too. Please send your stinkpipe pics here or to stinkpipes@gmail.com Twitter: @stinkpipes Holder of 6Music's Geek of the Week accolade, 1st October 2011

Friday, 20 January 2012

Putting Stinkpipes On the Map

Stinkpipe Map - Latest version
I was out around Chiswick, Shepherd's Bush and Hammersmith this week where, it turns out, the streets are swarming with stinkpipes.

A reminder that this was the location for Steptoe & Son

A new stinkipipe design

it had its name plaque - attached but corroded

then I saw this giant

complete with a name plaque

Henry Edie & Co, The Bow Foundry

and this which I'd already seen in the south east

AC Woodrow & Co

and this


  1. Thank goodness for your blog, I was out walking earlier with my uber inquisitive 5 year old and we found a stink pipe (as we know it now) but we had a full hour of Q but no A before we got home to fire up the google. This one is at the corner of Melrose Road and Viewfield Road in Wandsworth. A basic green pipe.

    1. Glad to be of service...and thanks for the heads up! I'll put that on the map shortly.

  2. I can't get the map to work. Whenever I click on a marker on the map, it just goes to the first photo in the sequence. Doesn't matter where I click...

  3. That's because the pic above is just a screenshot - I still had some tweaking to do on the map - here's a link, should work. Will also put a link into my sidebar. Please let me know if there are any problems!


  4. Ah ha! I live round Streatham way, so if I see any more there, I'll let you know. I feel fairly sure that i've passed some on my travels, but I can't call them to mind at the moment.

  5. I've just tweeted you one near where I live in Shepherd's Bush. Top of Curwen Road, west side, almost at junction with Hadyn Park Road. W12.

    I already knew what it was - no idea how - but it's great to get more info on stinkpipes.

  6. One, I believe, stink pipe, in Beckenham. Pan the street view and see for yourself

    32-40 The Mead, Beckenham BR3 5PF

  7. Kepada Yth.
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  8. are there any stinkpipes in Richmond cos i found a bottom of a pole which idk what it is on Ham Common

  9. to add on it's near the main road

  10. and there is like 3 weird ones on the Green in Richmond
